Dofinansowano z programu „Doskonała Nauka” Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki • „Perfect Science” programme founded by the Ministry of Education and Science.


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Universities in the frontier – knowledge

            The significance and position of a university are determined by its academic potential. Universities are still one of the most important centres of initiating and conducting research and – at the same time – defining and resolving various issues that express the most current and potential challenges in the modern world. This trend is often connected with the strategic geopolitical position of a given university. Its location creates possible new perspectives in terms of ontology, epistemology and axiology and that is why we would like to focus on the following issues:

  • university’s academic potential,
  • specificity of research, especially when it comes to correlations between its ‘local character’ and versatility, concentrated on strengthening and enriching the common knowledge,
  • identifying the number of research efforts concentrated on gaining the actual knowledge and not just on ‘getting the job done’ in order to check it off the list.

The main issues of debate and information exchange will be as followed:

  • organizational potential, especially the operating of research centres,
  • carrying out grant projects,
  • publishing capability, especially when it comes to academic publishing houses and journals,
  • human potential, including practices and mechanisms of recruiting research staff (both internally and externally), getting to know the issues of doctoral dissertations within a university and the involvement of students in the work of various research groups.

The topics mentioned above do not exhaust the points for further discussion. Our goal is to discover the academic potential of universities and the ways in which their history and socio-economic location provoke the specificity of the issues and carrying out research.